Journaling Workshop for Animal Companion Loss March 21 & 28, 2022

Clea will facilitate a journaling workshop with the wonderful folks at Hospice Yukon to help with the disenfranchised grief people sometimes feel after the loss of a pet or service animal. Here are the details:

Animal Companion Loss Journaling Group

The loss of a beloved animal companion can be as devastating as the loss of a human relationship. However, this grief is often not recognized for the profound impact it can have on our lives, making the grief that much more difficult to bear.

Journaling is a tried and true way to express and process our emotions. We are offering this two-part workshop, led by local writer Clea Roberts, and a Hospice Yukon group facilitator, to give those who are grieving the death of a pet the opportunity to learn journaling techniques, connect with others, and explore their grief through writing.

No prior journaling experience is necessary.

Thursdays March 21 & 28, 2022

7:00 - 8:30pm

Online via Zoom

To register: